Please look at the above alert and take action ASAP. Right now, some senators are drafting an $80 billion jobs bill. Two senators are seeking $3 billion for drinking water infrastructure and $3 billion for wastewater infrastructure in the bill. We are trying to help their efforts. There has been some skepticism on the Hill about being able to move water infrastructure funds quickly enough. If you are able to, please describe the projects you have that could be started soon if the money was available. We realize that one reason water projects can’t move real fast is the requirements or procedures or vehicle (SRF) Congress has mandated, but we can discuss that with them further down the road. We are not taking a stand on the jobs bill itself, just seeking funding for water infrastructure should a jobs bill move in the Senate.
Two leaders in drinking water issues in the U.S. Senate are attempting to generate support for funding for drinking water and wastewater infrastructure in a jobs bill being drafted right now. Sen. Ben Cardin of Maryland, chair of the Senate Subcommittee on Water and Wildlife, and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, a member of Cardin’s subcommittee and of the Budget Committee are the ones leading
this effort. They are circulating what is called a “Dear Colleague” letter in the Senate seeking signatures for a letter they will send to the Senate leadership asking for the funding. (see below)
Sen. Byron Dorgan of North Dakota and Sen. Richard Durbin of Illinois are the lead writers of the $80 billion jobs bill. It has not been introduced yet, so there is no bill number.
• Call, e-mail or fax your senators and ask them to co-sign the “Dear Colleague” letter being circulated by Sens. Cardin and Whitehouse seeking funding for water infrastructure in the jobs bill. There have been doubts expressed that the funding can be used in a timely manner, so if any of you have projects ready to go, mention these to your senators, not with the intention of seeking an earmark, but as an illustration that the money can be used by water utilities very quickly.
You can find contact information for members of the Senate at www.senate.gov or you can contact me in the AWWA Government Affairs Office at 202-326-6128 or by cell at 202-326-6128 or at tholmes@awwa.org.
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